DWarehouse blog zone
That Stupid Little Cowboy Emoticon 
Thursday, July 30, 2009, 01:40 AM - DWarehouse
Posted by Dave Hoffman

Yea, that thing. As I was updating the site tonight with the latest spotter version, I habitually tagged my post with that emoticon. I don't even realize that I'm doing it anymore, and when I see it, I don't see it. I got to wondering if anyone wondered why I drop that dude in there. Keep reading, I know this is all riveting.

That little guy dates back to the old Sierra forums during the Papyrus years, which brings back sometimes fond memories. That old ugly yellow border, the birth of the catchphrase, "Soon." The purple-tagged developers. The admission (in the end) that a Save Race feature was, in fact, possible. The "Night of Porn" where half the membership got booted the next day. Nike, the king of trolls, who I actually liked in retrospect. Good times.

Whenever I'd post an update to the spotter over there, I'd always drop the cowboy emoticon at the end of my posts. I'm a redneck, I frequent honkytonks, so it just seemed fitting. For whatever reason, I keep up the tradition. It's my little link back to the old days.

There, now y'all'l be able to sleep tonight.

Another symbolic relic from the old days, which some will know what it means.

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